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This page contains resources which I hope you will find helpful. 

Time Management Templates

Weekly Planner / Micro-Scheduler

Micro-scheduling is a very good tool when you have a lot to get done and feel overwhelmed by it. Break down your week and days into realistically timed tasks and cross them off once you have completed them. 

Thumbnail image of Weekly Planner Template

Start, Stop, Continue

Challenge yourself by asking what tasks you should stop doing and what tasks you need to start doing for you to free up some time, be more productive and for you to achieve your goals.

Thumbnail image of Start, Stop, Continue Template

The Eisenhower Matrix

If you are struggling to see the wood for the trees and are feeling overwhelmed with how much you have to do, try The Eisenhower Matrix which will help you to prioritise and create a sense of order.

Thumbnail image of Eisenhower Matrix Template

Goal Setting Templates

How Full are your Buckets?

How satisfied are you with life? Do you feel happy and balanced? As humans we all have the need for certain things. Use this template to clarify what areas of your life could do with your attention. 

Thumbnail image of How Full are your Buckets Template

SMART Goal Planner

When we set ourselves goals, it is important to ensure that we consider certain things and that we structure them correctly in order that we give ourselves the best chance of achieving them. Use this template to structure your goals. 

Thumbnail image of SMART Goal Template
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Stress Management Coaching. Outdoor and Online Coaching. Oundle, Stamford, Kettering, Peterborough.  stress relief and stress relief techniques. professional declutterer & home organisation

Personal & Environmental Stress Management

Online Coaching | In-Person Coaching | Outdoor Coaching in Green & Blue Spaces | Oundle, Stamford, Peterborough & Kettering

Creating Relaxing Spaces | Professional De-Clutterer & Home Organiser

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